Sunday, December 23, 2012

What Matters.

So, seeing as Christmas is just around the corner, I feel like it is proper to comment on the actual point of the holiday. Christmas, as you may or may not know, originally had nothing to do with Santa. There was no naughty or nice list. No happy elves or magic (and slightly judgmental) reindeer. No sleigh or presents or cookies left out near the chimney. Christmas is a time of remembrance.

Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a remembrance of the day he made himself flesh and blood. He choose to put aside his deity to become human like you and I. To experience our suffering and feel our needs and hardships. He was not God smushed into the body of a man, he was an actual man. A living breathing human being, who had to live and learn like we do. The only difference between us and him, was that Jesus was without sin. He came as the perfect sacrifice. He became flesh solely to die on the cross for our sins. He came solely to bear our suffering to create a way for us. We celebrate Christmas to remember the day he was born. We celebrate it to remember the miracle and the majesty of Jesus Christ. It was not created as a day to get a ton of presents or to see everyone in the family.

How many of us pull out a nativity set and call it good? How many of us stopped telling the story of the birth of Jesus when the kids outgrew those books? How many of us go to the Christmas service and spend the entire time waiting for it to end? Many of us, myself included, can be guilty of this on Christmas day. We get so wrapped up in the holiday that we forget its purpose. We forget what it is that we are really celebrating. We forget what Christmas is really about. And no, I don't mean the holiday specials that say family and being together are all that matters, or that it's the thought that counts. Those things are true, but they are not the main focus. Now, I am not saying that nothing else is important during the holidays. I am not saying that Christmas is not a time to be with the ones you love. I am not saying you should abandon your traditions and stop giving gifts. I am saying that there is more to the holiday than these things. That there is more to Christmas than being with your family and giving presents. That it is a day to remember what God has done for us.



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