Sunday, December 9, 2012

By Any Other Name

I have previously stated on this blog that I am a Calvinist. But, I do realize that many people might not know exactly what a Calvinist is beyond being a christian. Luckily, there exist the five points of Calvinism (or T.U.L.I.P.) to help me explain my beliefs to you.

Total Depravity: This refers to the total depravity of man. In short, all men, (yes even children) are slaves to sin from birth. Man is born fundamentally in sin and is born fundamentally evil. Because of this, man cannot turn to God with his own power. He is unable to come to God and be saved without divine intervention. He hates God and turns away from him, he can do nothing else but reject salvation. God then, must assist man through His grace and call him to faith. In other words, man is unable to accept the gift of eternal life in the absence of God.

Unconditional Election: This refers to God's unconditional election of man for salvation. It is based entirely on God's plan and own standards. It has absolutely nothing to do with the actions or supposed righteousness of man. He saves man out of mercy and love, not based on how well they behaved on earth. Man is flawed and sinful, hence he cannot do good in God's absence. Therefore, salvation must come from unconditional mercy. Predestination is also a large part of this, meaning that from the beginning, God choose whom he would save (the elect) and who would face justice in the lake of fire.

Limited Atonement: This refers to the death of Christ on the cross, and that his death was intended only for the elect. In other words, Christ died for some but not all. Christ died for the sins of those who were intended to be saved. However, not all will receive salvation and not everyone is going to go to heaven. Not everyone is going to come to faith, and will persist in their hatred and defiance towards God. And these people will face the righteous justice of God. Predestination is also a large part of this doctrine.

Irresistible Grace: This refers to the overwhelming power of the grace of God. If God wishes to save someone, they will be saved. It is literally impossible for Him to fail to reach someone. Nothing is beyond the power of God, therefore no one can resist his hand. The power of grace is completely irresistible and overpowers the sin nature of man to defy God. It illustrates God's faithfulness in delivering man from sin, since without intervention salvation is impossible.

Perseverance of the Saints: This refers to the permanence of salvation. Once you are saved, you are always saved. God is not going to change his mind and cast you out. You will not lose your way and be lost after having come to faith. Those who God chooses to save will be saved, and will not be lost to him. There is nothing that can sever this bond between man and God.

There is also one last point, that is sometimes added with the others. Forming TULIPS or STULIP (listed first because of the importance of the doctrine.)

(S)overeignty of Grace: This is extremely important. The doctrine states that God is sovereign. His authority and judgment and power are absolute. He is not flawed, or mortal, or within the bounds of time like man is. He is our creator, and we have no right to question his choices. For those of you who may feel this to be a bit unfair, consider this. God does not have to save anyone. If he were actually just and fair, he would send every soul to hell because of sin. God is also not a grandfather. He displays righteous anger as well as mercy and love. His will and word are sovereign and righteous, and that is an objective truth.

I know many of you will not agree with my beliefs, and may possibly be offended by them. I merely created this post to outline exactly what an average Calvinist, and I myself, believes in. I am very convicted in my beliefs. However, if you do wish to challenge or pose a question, I ask only that you be respectful.



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