Saturday, September 8, 2012

Yay For Politics!

Yes, yes I know. I said I was going to talk about religion and not politics. But I have to have fun SOMEWHERE you know. I did technically say I would occasionally make random posts. Besides, I am making fun of politics here. With a very cleverly crafted metaphor I might add. See? Do you not feel sorry for those poor people who skipped this one?

Today we are going to talk about Obama's acceptance speech. You can stop the boos and (or) cheering now. We are not going to get into his views here. We are merely going to look at his presentation. Many people have already pointed out that Obama is merely saying the same things he said before, the difference being that he is asking for more time to show results. He has not admitted any mistake on his part. He has no given any proof that this time will be any different. He is simply blaming the lack of time and outside circumstances. Now I noticed an interesting parallel. You know that kid in class? The one who never meets the due date ever? You know how he begs and begs for more time to get it done? That is this speech. I mean think about it. Consider the following exchange:

Teacher: You did not turn in your paper on time. I entered it as a “zero”.

Student: No wait! I just need a little more time to do it! There were like, extenuating circumstances and stuff!

Teacher: Look, I am going to be honest with you. I have not seen any progress with this paper. At all. What exactly were these circumstances?

Student: Well, there really was not a lot of time to do this. And like, I had other engagements and problems to deal with besides this paper.

Teacher: And that means you can just ignore your responsibility to this class and to me?

Student: No! Ok, I know it looks really bad right now. I promise I have made progress, it just might not look like it. But I swear it will get done by the next due date! I just like, need a little more time!

Striking, isn't it?

Now if you were the teacher, what would you say? Would you honestly give him more time to work on this paper? Please feel free to comment on this, I would love to know. Especially from a teachers point of view. Personally, I would tell him that actions, and lack thereof, have consequences and he needs to deal with them. Note the use of the “He” pronoun. In both cases. Clearly a girl would never act like this. More evidence of female superiority.



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