Sunday, September 2, 2012

Who am I?

Who am I you ask? I am the writer of this blog, determined to entertain you with things you don't care about or pay attention to. No not politics. Nobody likes politics, not even politicians. I see you are relieved, how wonderful! Hmm? What am I going to talk about? Religion of course, I- Hey! Where are you going?!

I am the one who speaks of the brushed aside. You know, those poor little inconvenient topics that are always ignored? The ones that just get pushed under the rug? Have you people ever been under a rug? It's dark, dusty, and very cramped you know. Those ideas deserve to see the light too. I am the one who will give them the opportunity.

I am Christian. I am speaker of the truth and of God's Word. I am pro-claimer of sovereignty and grace. I am Calvinist and lover of “T.U.L.I.P.S”. (Don't worry, Google will explain it for you.) I am not a crazy person who interrupts funerals with pick-it signs. Those people are not very good representatives of Christians. Most of us use tanks.

I am not opposed to other opinions. I enjoy listening and having constructive discussions. I am perfectly happy to respond to a challenge or question if I am aware of it. Unless it's just someone insulting me and calling me an idiot. I am uninterested in responding to those. That's not a very constructive way to get into a debate.

I am the one who occasionally posts about unrelated things I find interesting. No, not pop-culture. I don't care about that. I couldn't talk about it to save my life. I don't ramble on and on about who is doing what. I ramble on and on about interesting things like video games and stories. I am going to pretend these things are interesting. I can't hear you.

I am that person in the backseat of the movie theater. The one pointing out that everyone in this movie is apparently unable to work an ordinary door lock. Which is kind of inconvenient because these ordinary locks would work quite nicely in keeping out unwanted people. You know, like the deranged guy with a knife? I am pondering the IQ of our “heroes”.

I am bored and easily distracted. I am going to take over the world anyway. It's a simple matter really. I am going to secretly implant mind controlling statements into ordinary text. When I eventually make my move, I will already have an army. I totally haven't put any of these statements into this text. And I would certainly never make you OBEY ME or anything.

I am wondering why you are reading this. You didn't actually ask who I was, this is an assignment. People don't read blogs to learn about the author. That's what “About Me” is for. They read blogs for the content on the page. I think you have been on the internet too long. You should go read a book or play outside. You are still here. I am wondering if you are bored or insane.



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