Sunday, September 30, 2012

Is It Still Fun If It's Lame?

 Can I hear a whoot, whoot, for random post number two! …..At all? ...No? ….Fine. I see how it is. That is totally fine guys. See if I care.You guys are no fun anyways. I will just get posting now. In the empty silence. About owning up to all those stupid things you do when no one is watching. *dejectedly reaches for keyboard*

So everyone has something they do for fun that they do not share with other people. Be it a stupid show, game, abstract pastime, dance, genetic experiment, you get the idea. They hide it because it seems childish or silly and they want to save face. But in all honesty, who cares if it is stupid? It is for fun people! Fun does not necessarily have to be cool fun. So what if you a play a game at 16 that was created for 5 year olds back in the day. So what if you make stupid crossovers or watch T.V. shows that should probably be banned for lowering the I.Q. of the viewer. It does not matter. The people who call this kind of thing stupid or dumb are really missing out. Take the expansion in World of Warcraft for instance. A lot of people have stopped playing the MMO because they felt it was more childish now. Yes ok it has Kung-Foo Panda rip offs now. But do they ever consider that maybe that was to appeal to more eastern audiences and NOT simply to pander to kids? And that maybe this new culture and area is interesting and well done? And yes ok they added what was basically a Pokemon engine for critter pets in the game. Yeah, that is kinda silly, but that does not make it not fun. I have had some pretty memorable battles with people that reminded me of the days when people just played Pokemon for fun. When it was not so much about building the god team that required the greatest stats ever and specific choices, and more about just fighting with your favorite non-godly Pokemon. It might be silly but it still creates memories and great stories. Finding stupid glitches, like having a stag ride a motorcycle while a bat winged warlock in a meteor rides it, (no I am not making that up.) is completely pointless yet totally rewarding. Who else can say they have done that? Who else can share the non-sensible stories you get when you and a friend try to top each other in a story? Who else can say they run from some all powerful enemy whenever they go jogging? Fun is a completely separate entity from everything else. It does not matter if it is cool, or lame, or “oh my god why did I do that on camera kill me now.” Fun is fun. And no one can take it away from you.

The point is you do not need to hide this stuff. Yeah some people might make fun of you, but you know what? It does not matter. Eventually they will get bored and forget about your awesome fun thing, and just go back to doing whatever it is they don't want you to know about. Because I can almost guarantee they have something too. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to take my Kung-Foo Panda ripoff and her tiny magical winged rabbit off into the greatest battle of their lives against a sentient carnivorous box.



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