Saturday, October 6, 2012

Politically Correct Christians

Looking at politics today, there are many issues that are debated which involve religion. Certain views that were once held by society as true, are being changed to hold false. As such, certain beliefs are expected to change as well.

People expect you to hold true to the politically correct view that divorce is acceptable. That it should be allowed in all circumstances and that people have the right to break the bonds they grow unhappy with. They expect you to agree that woman should have the right to kill their unborn child because of the circumstances or because it is their right to do so. People expect you to accept gay marriage and lifestyles as moral or at least acceptable and support their choices. They expect these and many other things from you. So what about the religions like Christianity that view all these as a sin? Sadly, often times they become modified to suit the new majority belief. Take pastors for instance, they are preaching to a congregation that is most likely divided on these issues. They then choose to sweep these important issues under the nearest rug. Sometimes even an entire church changes the doctrine to fit these new ideals. They choose to reach for an interpretation of the Word that suits their needs. Or perhaps, they may even say the Bible is old and was made for a different world. Many Christians are beginning to lose their convictions. The faith they hold becomes fluid with the demands of man. The message of the Bible is altered for the sake of conformity.

The Bible is not a parenting book. It is not something that applied only in its own time and therefore is no longer valid in this one. There has not been some new and better method that makes the old one obsolete. The Bible is the word of God. It is not simply something that conveniently changes with the views of man. A line simply has to be drawn. A line that says I will not change my views and beliefs and teachings just because I am expected to. I line that stands strong, and puts you on the side of the righteous. Men have flawed morals and values. They turn their back on God and righteousness. The choices of man that determines his laws are not necessarily correct ones. It is important to stand with the truth even when it is painful or hard. Even when it means going against the current and your friends. Yes it will be hard, the Bible does not say it will be easy. God did not promise us an easy happy life on earth, he promised us a reward in heaven. 



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