Sunday, October 28, 2012

All In A Name

 Random post time again guys! I promise it is not about politics or a PSA this time! ...No, really. It actually has a chance to be mildly interesting to you guys! Sorta... maybe... in a certain context...
ok fine it probably wont be, but I think I will delude myself into thinking otherwise. Some of you may or may not be wondering about my name and what the heck it means and/or has to do with religion. If you are in the first category, congratulations! This post is just for you guys! For those of you who could care less.... Fine! Be that way! See if I care! *sniffs*

I am going to go ahead and answer that second question first. My name and the name of this blog have nothing to do with religion at all. Both of them mean exactly the same thing, black fox. They are really only different for variety. Black fox is simply a pseudo name I am fond of using for reasons I will get to. It has absolutely nothing to do with religion, it is merely a default user name. So, you may be asking, why the heck is my blog about religion? Well, simply put, I wanted a consistent topic, and I can do that most of the time with religion. In other words, I am too lazy to think of an appropriate topic to fit the title or vice versa. Honesty is fun!

Now why the name black fox at all? Well the name comes from a story of old....

Once upon a time, a group of huntsmen went out into the forest. They had been out there for hours and had seen no game. The men were dejected and depressed. The master of chase spoke out in anger. He yelled to the forest that his men would give the devil himself the chase of his life. Then suddenly, a black fox sprang out of its hole. Its eyes burned and its coat was black as night. The huntsmen chased it over hills and dales, through forests and valleys and eventually came to a river. The fox jumped into the water and swam to the other side. The fox then let out a laugh that shook the forest and he cried out to the huntsman that should they ever be in need of game, he would always oblige their call. The men looked on in horror as the fox took the form of a demon and fled back to town. And right behind them ran the laughing black fox.

This story is the reason I use the name black fox. I have always loved the concept of the one who appears and vanishes with the sole motivation of fun and entertainment. I love the mentality and character of the black fox. The name also has the advantage of fitting with a persona I am fond of using. Because of this, the name has grown on me and become my default whenever I require anonymity.

 P.S. If you want to hear an awesome musical version of the story, go here \/


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