Sunday, February 3, 2013


Slightly random post today, but I want to discuss a teacher who made a large difference in my life. I might still be in high school, but her actions did mean a lot to me, and on a blog like this I want to share them.

Due to needing an elective credit, I was placed into a class called “Family and Consumer Science” ...also known as “Feelings 101”. Now, obviously someone like me groaned at this class. I had little desire to listen to someone tell me about how important my self esteem was, and how unhealthy certain thought patterns were for me. I felt like I was going to be sitting in a class, where I would be expected, and probably told, to simply shut up and do what I was told. Often times before, if I raised a question of theology or morals in a class, the teacher would shut me down. However, this teacher was entirely different. We would spent the time before and after class debating the material. She did not shut me down or insult my beliefs. We argued everything from the nature of children, to divorce, to the value of self esteem. In fact, people in my class used to ask if I was going to “argue with the teacher again today”. I know this seems like a little thing, but it was really important to me. It helped me structure my arguments and thoughts. It taught me a lot about her belief system and how to argue against it. I also learned that often times, you simply have to agree to disagree. That sometimes basic beliefs and grounds are so dissimilar, that you can not reach a unanimous conclusion. Another lesson, that it is ok to debate anyway. That defending your belief is more rewarding than winning or converting the other guy. It taught me the joy of defending my beliefs, and the joy of sparring with someone who liked to do the same. It really improved how I saw teachers and classes like hers in general.

To teachers out there, you should consider doing this as well. Instead of putting down someone for being “closed minded” talk with them. Instead of avoiding a question tackle it. Make them test the knowledge of their beliefs. In fact, test your own as well. There are a lot of benefits to doing this and it can really mean a lot to someone like me, who is used to people avoiding the subject. I'll state plainly that out of all the teachers at my school, I hold her in respect the most. She is so far the only one who has had the courage to talk with me. Who has been willing to do what few teachers would even consider. She did what no one else did, and I will always be grateful for the time she spent with me. I will always remember her and the investment she gave to our debates.

Thanks teach, you know who you are.



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